FEC belongs to Utilities Underground Location Center, UULC and the 811 Call B4 U Dig program.
- Before you dig, call 811 to notify all utilities that may have underground facilities in the location that you are digging. If you are calling from outside of Montana or are having difficulties using 811 dial 1-800-424-5555. You are required to give two (2) working days notice before you dig and you must mark the limits of excavation in white paint.
The Call Before You Dig program is vital to everyone's safety and it is the law. There could be buried facilities anywhere you plan to dig; under the road, sidewalk, or even in your yard. Calling before you dig ensures that any publicly owned underground lines will be marked, so that you can dig around them safely. Having the utility lines marked not only prevents accidental damage to the lines, but prevents property damage and personal injuries that could result in breaking a line.
We encourage homeowners and contractors to participate in the Call Before You Dig program.