(406) 538-3465
When You Report an Outage
When you make the call, give us your name, location (physical address), and phone number. If you know what may have caused the outage, please provide this information as well. If you get a busy signal, please keep trying. The phones will be answered as quickly as possible. During widespread outages there may be a delay in answering your calls. Please be patient and stay on the line until your call is answered.
While The Electricity Is Off
Keep the refrigerator and freezer closed. Food can keep for at least 24 hours. If an outage should ever last longer than that, make arrangements to store your food at another location.
Life Support Equipment
If someone in your home is dependent on life-support equipment consider making a stand-by generator available as a precautionary measure.
Scheduled Outages
Occasionally the Cooperative will need to schedule a planned outage in order to do maintenance or repair work on the power lines. We will make every effort to notify you via phone, as time allows.
Short Outages/Blinks
Very short outages called "blinks" are more common due to the capability of today's protective devices. For example, if a branch falls onto a power line, the power to this line is automatically interrupted and hopefully the branch falls clear of the line. If the branch falls clear, power will automatically be restored. These occurrences are considered temporary or transient faults.
First: Check the fuses or breakers in the building in which the electricity is off.
Second: Check the breaker below the meter.
Third: If electricity is still out, call a neighbor to see if they have electricity.
Fourth: Call 406-538-3465 day or night or:
Bret Ophus | 406-366-7523 |
Carson Sweeney | 406-366-0971 |
Bret Nellermoe (Roundup) | 406-323-4653 |