Write an essay:
Co-op students can win a free trip to our nation's capital with Youth Tour.
Write an essay, win a trip to Washington, D.C. Plans are underway for the 2025 Youth to Washington Tour and Essay Contest. The dates for the Youth Tour are June 14-21, 2025, including a pre-trip orientation session in Great Falls. One student from Fergus Electric Cooperative, as well as one student selected by the Montana Electric Cooperatives' Association from all essays submitted, will win an all-expenses-paid trip on the Youth Tour.
Participants will visit monuments and historic sites throughout Washington, D.C., participate in the cooperative Youth Day, and meet Montana's federal senators and representative.
Contest rules are:
- The student must be a junior or senior in high school in the fall of 2025. (Currently a sophomore or junior)
- The student cannot be a prior winner of the youth tour.
- The student and/or parent or guardian must be served by a rural electric cooperative that is a member of the Montana Electric Cooperatives’ Association.
- The student must write an essay on the following topic: “What was the most important event to have occurred in our nation during your lifetime? How did it affect you?”
- Essays should include a cover page with the student’s name, address, telephone number and the cooperative’s name and a copy of the application.
Essays and applications are due December 2, 2024. Mail them to: Youth Tour Essay Contest, Fergus Electric Cooperative, 84423 US Highway 87, Lewistown, MT 59457.
2025 Youth Tour Required Application.
2025 Youth Tour Resource Guide.
2025 Youth Tour Contest Rules.
Montana Electric Cooperatives’ Association in Great Falls selects a state winner and Fergus Electric also sponsors a student. For additional information, contact Erika at 406-538-3465.
Each June, 25 Montana high school juniors and seniors go to Washington, D.C. as young ambassadors for rural electric cooperatives. Representatives are selected by writing an essay on a specific topic. Information and the topic will appear on this page in October and in the Fergus Features newsletter in Rural Montana at the same time.
2023 Winner
Emma Lou Slivka

Youth Tour Promo Video